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Frequently asked questions

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What's the process of Swiftrepli onboarding?
  1. Initiate an introductory call with our sales team to understand your business and brand
  2. Have an in-depth diagnostic session with our Klayvio expert to assess where your business is in its email marketing journey and where we can drive the most value
  3. Our expert designers craft targeted email campaigns and automations (2 weeks), aligning with your brand identity
  4. Reconvene for a collaborative review, presenting campaigns for your feedback
  5. Upon your approval, we launch meticulously crafted campaigns, closely monitoring performance
How effective is email marketing compared to social media marketing?

When considering return on investment (ROI), email marketing typically outperforms other channels, with an impressive estimated return of $36 for every $1 spent, translating to an extraordinary 3600% ROI. In contrast, social media is anticipated to yield a return of approximately $2.80 for every $1 spent.

Among other reasons, email marketing is more effective due to audience tracking, permission-based interaction, and long-form content.

Can I modify automations and campaigns designed by the Swiftrepli team?

Absolutely! At Swiftrepli, we believe in giving you control over your campaigns. You're free to modify and edit email automations as you see fit – it's your business, and your vision matters. However, it's important to note that if adjustments to automations result in the inadvertent deletion of items, a nominal fee will be incurred to rectify and restore the campaign. This ensures that while you have the flexibility to manage your campaigns, we can provide efficient support and maintain the integrity of your email marketing strategy.

What reporting and analytics does Swiftrepli provide, and how can I track the success of my email campaigns?

Swiftrepli, integrated seamlessly with Klaviyo and Mailchimp, provides robust reporting and analytics to empower you with comprehensive insights into the success of your email campaigns. With Klaviyo's advanced tracking features, you can monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated.

Why choose an marketing agency when I can send marketing emails myself?

Expertise and Industry Insight: Opting for an email marketing agency like Swiftrepli provides a strategic advantage with years of expertise. We navigate industry complexities, offering insights into emerging trends and best practices to elevate your campaigns.

Time Efficiency and Focus on Core Activities: Gain significant time efficiency by choosing an agency. Concentrate on core business activities while professionals handle the nuances of planning, executing, and optimizing your campaigns, ensuring a streamlined and effective process.

Innovation, Design Excellence, and Full-Spectrum Support: Agencies leverage advanced tools and technologies to keep your campaigns at the forefront of innovation. With skilled designers and copywriters, they enhance your campaigns with visually appealing content. Enjoy continuous optimization, regulatory compliance, scalability, and dedicated support, ensuring adaptability to your business's evolving needs.


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